Boring Stuff

I have spent the day (and yesterday) trying to get a VB6 program to compile and run. Its the application they use for patient and pharmacy management. I'm pretty sure the code I'm looking at is not the exactly the same as the code that compiled the executable they're running. On top of that, the forms are mostly named "form1, form2, etc". It didn't compile when I started working with it because of non-existent or inaccessible functions being called. There are no comments except for commented out code. The original developer is unavailable for "mental health reasons", which look like they started before his work on this project.

In other news, we have been eating rice and potatoes (with cabbage, with cauliflower, with tindora) almost every meal for the past week plus. I don't particularly mind, but its driving Dolly crazy. She managed to get us access to a kitchen here, so we will be able to start making some foods when we want. The one thing I could use more of is fiber...
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Go Dolly go! Good luck w/ the cooking!!

  2. Pampi Says:

    i know. dolly rocks. fiber, huh? what did you use to take? i struggle with this too. and i have plenty of access so i should get to it ;)