Hanging around

We're mostly just hanging out these past couple of days, taking care of errands, occasionally sleeping in.

Last night we had water consistently, which is kind of a rarity. The household is setup to handle irregular water - drinking water comes in 10 gallon bottles and is put through a filter and there is a giant barrel for storing bathing/washing water, but its just sooo much easier to do dishes when water flows from the tap, and even washing your hands is a noticeably smoother process. At least there's running water sometimes, and we don't have to haul it from a well... though I have noticed the women downstairs pulling water up from undergound in a bucket.

There's a building across the street thats been covered in tarps since I've been here, about 4 stories tall, obviously under construction. The other day, I noticed that the tarps had been removed and people were on the scaffolding applying stucco. What stood out is the scaffolding - long wooden poles about 4 inches thick lashed together with rope to create a giant structure outside the building. Its a pretty common sight around buildings, going 4 or 5 stories high with these rickety wooden scaffolds. It seems very unsafe, but they're doing what they can with the materials available.

Dolly is feeling sick today as well, so send her some love if you have a few minutes. Medicine is cheap and largely unregulated, but she doesn't like pills, so she's just sleeping it off.

I will leave you with something a little cheerier, some drummers we saw on a truck yesterday:
1 Response
  1. Pampi Says:

    what a great vid! hey Seth, i know you prolly dont have uber time to sit and download from the flip... but i'll ask anyways ;D :: can you start a youtube acct and download some of the funny stuff we took while you guys were here in boston? also, dolly has a ton of ridiculous images on her camera... would be nice to see the funny ones ;)