Kenstar Appliances Are of Poor Quality And Their Customer Service Stinks

This post is more for people who may be googling "Kenstar" appliances or refrigerators than for people who may normally read this blog.  I am hoping that maybe I can save someone the trouble of buying one of Kenstar's poor-quality products.

We bought a Kenstar refrigerator in October, buying based on price.  We only needed the refrigerator to last a year or two (actually, it turns out we needed it for a much shorter amount of time), so we didn't concern ourselves too much with durability.  However, this Kenstar refrigerator broke in about 2 months, and it took a month to get someone to come and finally fix it.  Actually to get it fixed, we had to haul it to a repair center ourselves, even though someone was supposed to come.

The Kenstar customer service line was useless, all they could do was take a ticket and tell us that a ticket had already been taken.  Kenstar took no interest or responsibility in getting it fixed.

It broke twice more after that, the first time taking another week to get it fixed, and we've currently been waiting a month, though we've kind of slacked off on harassing the repairmen, since I'll be leaving and Dolly is unsure of her plans.

We suspect that part of the difficulty is that Kenstar is sexist (ok, its actually the local repairmen, but now google has the words "Kenstar" and "sexist" next to each other... twice!), with the repair center not taking Dolly seriously as she is a woman.  I don't speak Hindi, so I can't help much.

So... if anyone is India is thinking of buying a Kenstar appliance, don't!
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    this is my favorite post