
Ugh... The flight which had 1 number was actually 3 flights, each involving deplaning, going through security and waiting an hour or two to reboard.  I mostly napped and watched movies.

After landing and meeting up with my family (including my first ever visit with my 3 month old neice), we went for pizza... I am gluten free, and this place had an innovative gluten free crust: sausage.  God bless the City of Broad Shoulders.

Everything has pretty much clicked right back into place... mentally, it all feels natural.  The interstates and grocery stores, hot showers and carpeting.  I am feeling like I'm eating too much meat, but I think thats mostly a function of travelling... interstate exit dining is pretty much steaks, burgers, and fried foods, or a salad if you're a woman or communist.  For dinner last night, outside of Paducah, KY, we stopped at Charleys (the options were fast food or steakhouse), and I wanted something light, but not a salad.  I asked for grilled chicken and vegetables, and the only vegetable they had was broccoli (which is fine, but I would have preferred mixed veggies).

So today I'll make a trip to the grocery store and hopefully find a place to get some Indian spices, and get my ideal balanced diet back.  Some meat, some veggies, some Indian flavors, some other flavors.

I don't know how much I'll be updating this now that I'm not in India, but I'm happy to have this record of my travels.
3 Responses
  1. Dusan Says:

    As a vegetarian and an ex-communist, I resent your salad related comments!

    Welcome back, now make your way down to P-ville!

  2. megmarie Says:

    Welcome back!

    I'm sure western civilization feels like heaven...

  3. Unknown Says:

    Hey Seth! Welcome back.

    I have come and lurked here from time to time but haven't posted.

    What the heck are you doing in Paducah? I thought you were from the Boston area?

    This is Saldutti BTW, from those good old VWR days. ;-)